Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring or winter?

On Monday, it was 68 degrees for the high temperature at the house.  Upon rising this morning (Tuesday), it was 20 degrees and snowing.  Enough of this "springtime in the Rockies" as the local saying goes.  No opening day for the spring time trial season on Wednesday with a forecast high temperature of 30 degrees and a near-zero wind chill.

What do I think of winter at this point?


  1. Was 80 and I had to put on a ton of sunscreen before my ride today. Tonight it is lightning, thunder, and the temps are dropping to the 40s. No snow I hope!! Hang in there your spring will come.

  2. Hear you're busy with a full SAG wagon....must be the worst desert heat for a few years. Sounds like Ricky's doing well. He's wearing some strange arm/leg coolers.They seem to work.Good luck. John
