Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Feeling good in New Mexico

Today's ride covered 89 miles from Holbrook to Gallup. I rode the entire distance and felt good. It was a narrow escape from the dinosaur as I started the ride. My office used to say that I am as old as the dinosaurs. The picture is proof. I rode fast the rest of the day.
The scenery changed from high desert to red mesa country as we progressed on the ride. New Mexico is my favorite state on the ride. Despite being on the interstate for 87 of the 89 miles, you have the opportunity to look at the scenery. The truck traffic is greater than I remembered but they gave us a wide berth. A few of them honked, but I imagine it was a hello honk as I ride well to the right on the shoulder.
The tire liners are preventing flats (knock on wood) just as I hoped. I stop every 10 miles to check out the tires for wires. I found 2 wires over the past 2 days and the liners prevented a puncture. After 3 flats yesterday, another rider put liners in last night. I do not believe that he had a flat today.
My roommate has been Rich from New Mexico. He is a surprisingly strong rider for his 220 pounds. I have learned over the years not to judge a rider by how he or she looks on the outside. What resides on the inside matters. How true of all such things in life. We need to learn to not be judgmental. Today is Rich's last day of riding. Rich was a lot of fun. We talked up a storm. The Crossroads peloton will miss him as he raised everyone spirits throughout the day. He wants to come back next year with the goal of raising $1 million for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Count me in for a donation, Rich.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom
    There's a fellow from Phoenix who is a triathelite and weights 245. Mayo clinic is watching him.
    You'll be impressed with my 6.5 mile ride. Ha!
    The truckers on I-40 are crazy even with the drivers. Bill says in your "spare time" read the book "Traffic".
    Be safe
    Be safe
